Happy Darwin Day 2008!

Published by Minnesota Atheists on

February 12 marks the 199th anniversary of Charles Darwin’s birth.  The Guardian has an excellent site for On the Origin of Species and is a good way to spend your Darwin Day.  This year, the Institute for Humanist Studies in charge of DarwinDay.org and in promoting various events around the world.  You can check out their website for events in your area, learn about evolution, and explore the life of Charles Darwin.  Minnesota Atheists’ event for this year has come and gone, but now is a great time to think of ideas for next year, the 200th anniversary.  Who should we have as speakers?  Where should it be held?  How would you promote it?  What is the best way for supporters of evolution to be heard, both atheist and theist?  You can post your ideas in the Events section of our Forum.  While you are patiently waiting for next year, why not read this book from the National Academy of Sciences entitled Science, Evolution, and Creationism.  It’s a free download, and you can buy a physical copy from their site as well.

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Minnesota Atheists

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