Blood Drive a Gushing Success

Published by Minnesota Atheists on

Photo of donors in MNA shirts around one donor in the process of giving.

Over twenty people participated in the first Minnesota Atheists Blood Drive on Saturday, May 31st at Memorial Blood Centers in St. Paul’s Midway. Memorial welcomed us with a sign, balloons, a cake, and plenty of other snacks. After eating our dessert, most of us trekked down University Avenue to the Leaning Tower of Pizza to celebrate our two-gallon deposit.

For those who couldn’t make it, you can get on our call list for the next round by sending an e-mail with your name, telephone number, and the subject heading “Blood Drive List” to

Thanks to all those who participated, including the following people: Denise Crosby, Bonnie Marsick, Jack Caravela, Bjorn Watland, Jeannette Sorenson, August Berkshire, Michelle Losey, Mike Toft, Mike Parrott, Bess Vlaisavljevich, Fred Roos, Trish Murtha, Cynthia Egli, Dan Feyma, David Hubmann, Doug Turbak, Norm Barrett, and Tom Riddering.

Our next blood drive is October 25th from 10 AM to Noon at the same location as last time, Memorial Blood Centers building in Midway.  We’re looking for volunteers, so feel free to contact our charity committee at if you can help out.

If you want to participate in Minnesota Atheists other community service programs, send your information to to stay up to date on our latest opportunities.

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Minnesota Atheists

Positive Atheism in Action Since 1991