Final Exit President, Jerry Dincin, April 19 1 p.m., Ridgedale Public Library

The Final Exit Network provides counseling and instruction to those who wish to end their lives. According to their web site, “Final Exit Network is the only organization in the United States that will help individuals who are not ‘terminally ill’ – 6 months or less to live – to hasten their deaths.” Our speaker for the April 19 public meeting, Jerry Dincin, became the president of FEN one month ago, when the previous president, Ted Goodwin, was arrested by the state of Georgia for alleged direct participation in the suicide of a long-time member. The arrest of several FEN officers and the seizure of all of their bank accounts culminated a multi-state sting operation.
Opposition to assisted suicide is based on religious conviction of the “sanctity of life,” to the exclusion of consideration for the quality of life and for personal dignity. When, after several trials, Dr. Jack Kevorkian was convicted in Michigan and sent to prison, Minnesota Atheists recognized him in absentia with an award for his courageous defiance of religion-based law in service to his clients. The Final Exit Network follows the path Dr. Kevorkian blazed in support of the self-determination of life outcomes.
Jerry Dincin will speak not only of the mission of the Final Exit Network, but we hope also of the criminal case against them in Georgia. Due to his flight schedule, his presentation will begin at 1:00, and will conclude by 2:30. For this meeting we will return to the Ridgedale Library, 12601 Ridgedale Drive, Minnetonka. The Business Meeting will follow afterward, and at 4:00 there will be a dinner buffet at Wanderer’s Garden, 13059 Ridgedale Drive, Minnetonka.