March Meeting

Published by Minnesota Atheists on

Headshot of Mike.

Beyond Errancy:
How to Use Bible Contradictions to Refute Christianity

When you discuss religion with Christians, do you just end up talking past each other?  Most of us have had such encounters, where our arguments from science and reason are rebutted by biblical myths. We walk away from these discussions dismayed by our adversary’s shortcomings in reason, while they leave shaking their heads at our ignorance of the Word of God.

To overcome this impasse we must refute the Bible’s authority, and that can only be done by showing that, on its face, it is often demonstrably wrong. We can use contradictions and other Bible “difficulties” to do more than just prove the Bible is fallible. At our upcoming meeting, by means of numerous examples from the New and Old Testaments, Mike Davis will demonstrate that the Bible’s imperfections are sufficient in themselves to justify a rejection of Christianity and its doctrine of Jesus Christ as the savior of mankind.  

“If you are familiar with these biblical flaws,” Davis tells us, “you can easily prevail in any debate with the typical Christian fundamentalist. But chances are if you are an atheist, agnostic, skeptic or doubter, you don’t have either the time or inclination to delve deeply into the Bible on your own to uncover the logical and historical flaws it contains.”  In this presentation, Mike Davis will tell us where to look.  

Mike Davis, who lives in Roseville, is the author of The Atheist’s Introduction to the New Testament:  How the Bible Undermines the Basic Teachings of Christianity (2008) and The Atheist’s Bible Companion to the New Testament: A Comprehensive Guide to Christian Bible Contradictions (2009).  He was a recent guest on our “Atheist Talk” cable program, and runs the website

Sunday, March 21, 2009
1:00-1:15 p.m. – Social Time
1:15-1:45 p.m. – Business Meeting,
1:45-2:00 p.m. – Social Time
2:00-3:30 p.m. – Speaker’s presentation and Q&A
4:00 p.m. – Dinner at Wanderer’s Garden Chinese Buffet Restaurant

Ridgedale Public Library
12601 Ridgedale Drive
Minnetonka, 55305

Categories: Events

Minnesota Atheists

Positive Atheism in Action Since 1991