March Meeting Review

Published by Minnesota Atheists on

By George Kane

Photo of Mike speaking.

The March public meeting featured local author Mike Davis speaking about how to use the Bible in discussions with Christian believers. Davis noted that most atheists steer wide of the Bible in such discussions, because they feel that they do not know it very well. Davis claimed that very few Christians have ever read the Bible critically, so pointing out contradictions can be an effective approach to undermine the Bible’s credibility.

Davis pointed out that there are numerous contradictions between the Gospel accounts of Jesus’ resurrection, even though it is the core belief of the Christian faith. For example, the Synoptic Gospels say that Simon of Cyrene carried Jesus’ cross, while John, who by tradition was present, claims that Jesus alone carried it. And who were the first to come to Jesus’ tomb on Sunday? According to Mark, it was Jesus’ mother Mary, Mary Magdalene, and Salome; according to Matthew, it was the two Marys only. According to Luke, it was the two Marys, Joanna, “and the other women;” according to John, it was Mary Magdalene alone.  

After the meeting, Davis signed copies of his books The Atheist’s Bible Companion to the New Testament: A Comprehensive Guide to Christian Bible Contradictions and The Atheist’s Introduction to the New Testament: How the Bible Undermines the Basic Teachings of Christianity. Davis also offered free wallet cards featuring a variety of quotes demonstrating biblical contradictions to use “in emergency situations.”  

It was the first meeting since the election of the new board of directors, so George Kane presided. The business meeting featured a call for volunteers for committees. Andy Flamm distributed a list of the committees and their chairs. Richard Trombley was presented an award.

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Minnesota Atheists

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