Exercise your right as a Minnesotan and make sure your voice as an atheist is heard! Election day will be Tuesday, November 2nd. At the Federal level, elections are being held for U.S. Representatives. Elections are also being held for Governor and Lieutenant Governor, Secretary of State, State Auditor, Attorney General, and many State Legislatures. In addition, some county, city, town and school board offices will be up for election.
Remember: If you choose to vote by absentee ballot, your ballot must be returned to your county auditor on or before Election Day (at 3:00 pm) or it will not be counted.
Visit to register to vote, locate your nearest polling place, or learn which candidates will appear on your ballot.
Election day will be Tuesday, November 2nd. At the Federal level, elections are being held for U.S. Representatives. Elections are also being held for Governor and Lieutenant Governor, Secretary of State, State Auditor, Attorney General, and many State Legislatures. In addition, some county, city, town and school board offices will be up for election.
Remember: If you choose to vote by absentee ballot, your ballot must be returned to your county auditor on or before Election Day (at 3:00 pm) or it will not be counted.
Visit to register to vote, locate your nearest polling place, or learn which candidates will appear on your ballot.