A Bank with No Prophets?
By Bob Schmitz
The business section of the October 24th Pioneer Press contained an article headlined “Regulators close 2 Otsego bank sites.” Bank regulators closed two branches of Riverview Community Bank of Ostego after the banks were deemed to be critically under-capitalized.
This article points out that when Riverview was opened in March, 2003, founder Chuck Ripka informed the Pioneer Press “that God told him to get the bank going.” Ripka also reported that God said, “Chuck, if you do all the things I have told you to do, I promise you I will take care of the bottom line.” The bank reported its last profit in September 2007. Mary Kiffmeyer, former Minnesota Secretary of State and a Christian fundamentalist, was on the board of Riverview. Kiffmeyer thankfully has not been re-elected. It seems God let Chuck and Mary down. I wonder how they are spinning this turn of events. I suppose they might tell us God had a purpose and in due time they will discern that purpose if they just keep praying. It is indeed shocking to learn that there are people in today’s world who base their business decisions on pure fantasy. I will be contacting my banker soon to make sure he is not a prosperity gospel Christian.
To see the full Pioneer Press article, visit twincities.com.