The Day of Games

Published by Minnesota Atheists on

Our public meeting on Sunday, April 17th, will be a Game Day at the Roseville Library. Game Day is a fun opportunity for families and people of all ages. It has been a couple of years since we have held this event, and it was always a lot of fun. Test your knowledge of atheist history in Atheist Jeopardy, or enter the second Fern Wodtke Memorial Chinese Checker Tournament, in honor of our undefeated champion. Or sit down at a board in a simultaneous exhibition by chess master George Kane. Or bring your own favorite card or board game, and teach others to play.

There will be prizes galore. All prizes have not yet been decided, but if you win a game, you will likely win something.

There will be a business meeting at 1:15. Following the meeting, socialize and enjoy the games until the cleanup. The festivities will continue until 4:00.

That evening, our good friends at the Humanists of Minnesota will be holding their banquet, headlined by Brian Keith Dalton, best known as “Mr. Deity.” We want to encourage attendance at their banquet, and so will forego our customary practice of going out to eat after the meeting.

Categories: Events

Minnesota Atheists

Positive Atheism in Action Since 1991