Public Meeting – “Reproductive Justice” & Board Nominations
By Heather Hegi

This year marks the fortieth anniversary of the Supreme Court’s landmark Roe v. Wade ruling. Reverend Kelli Clement will be speaking at the upcoming Minnesota Atheists’ monthly meeting to discuss the importance and subsequent impact of this ruling.
Rev. Clement is the Executive Director of the Minnesota Religious Coalition for Reproductive Choice. A Unitarian Universalist, she is a graduate of United Theological Seminary where she was the coordinator of Seminarians for Choice, and is a part of the national speakers bureau of the Reproductive Health Technologies Project. Kelli lives with husband Mike in south Minneapolis..
Also, board nominations will be held at the public business meeting, with elections following in February. If you have any interest in helping guide Minnesota Atheists in its future endeavors and growth, please consider joining the board of Minnesota Atheists. Now is the time to ask someone to nominate you, or make sure you are qualified for next year’s elections by paying dues.
There are nine board positions: President, Vice President, Chair, Vice Chair, Treasurer, Secretary, and three at-Large positions. We hope to gain interest in the at-Large positions, since that’s the only position for which we are unsure if we will have any nominations. However, all of the positions are up for re-election; having choices is a good thing.
Where: Roseville Public Library – 2180 Hamline Ave. N. Roseville, MN
When: Sunday, January 20, 2013
1:00 – 1:15 – Social time
1:15- 1:45 – Business meeting and nominations for board
1:45 – 2:00 – Break
2:00 – 3:30 – Public lecture on reproductive justice
4:00 – Dinner at Panda Garden (1706 Lexington Ave. N. Roseville, MN)