Proclaiming Reason at the Capitol
We will be celebrating our ninth annual Day of Reason celebration at the State Capitol Rotunda on May 1st. Our program will start at noon and will last about an hour. We welcome you to join us!
The National Day of Reason was instituted as a protest against the National Day of Prayer, which was established by Congress in 1952 and fixed in 1988 as the first Thursday in May. The National Day of Reason is supported by secular groups across the country in support of separation of church and state.
The theme of this year’s Day of Reason will be “30 Years and Growing with Good Reason”. While the Day of Prayer simultaneously occurs on the steps leading to the capitol, we will be in the rotunda celebrating the continuous presence and growth of secular organizations in the State of Minnesota throughout the last 30 years. We will hear from several organizations which have had a positive secular presence in Minnesota, and hopefully we will also hear from a few representatives on how they view the benefits of separating government and religion.
This is a family friendly event. Children might find speeches boring, but this lively and exhilarating venue might very well pique their interest in speaking out for justice. This is a great way to do that. You may also call ahead to schedule a tour of the capital building for your visit. Let’s represent secular society by filling up the rotunda, letting ourselves be heard, and celebrating reason in Minnesota!
For more information, please contact