Local Response to Atheist Sponsored St. Paul Saints Game

Here are three letters to the editor from the St. Paul Pioneer Press about our atheist-sponsored baseball game where the St. Paul Saints were re-branded to the Mr. Paul Aints.
7/16/14: I went to a Saints game on a date night with my wife on July 11 (“A night of ‘unbelievable’ fun,” July 10). Imagine my surprise to learn that the Saints made a huge blunder by aligning with the Minnesota Atheists for the day.
The Saints embraced the Minnesota Atheists in every aspect, and even went as far as to have the players and announcers wear promotional jerseys for the day that said “Aints” instead of “Saints.”
I did say a prayer for all involved with this promotion and asked God to forgive any believer who wore that jersey and publicly disowned our creator.
I support freedom of speech, but I do have a problem with a business that openly supports atheism. I’ll be exercising my freedom to spend my discretionary income where I choose.
Unless the Saints organization apologizes for its error in judgment, you won’t see this believer in Christ at a Saints game again, and maybe enough believers will align and show the Saints that supporting atheists is a bad business decision. (Joe H. – Stillwater, MN)
7/21/14: So someone who has strong, personal religious convictions attended a Saints game and was upset that the Saints had a night recognizing Minnesota Atheists? (“An error,” July 17). Furthermore, the letter writer states he will no longer attend any future Saints events unless they apologize for, ultimately, recognizing any group that does not share the same religious beliefs as he does.
I applaud the Saints for recognizing that America is full of people with all kinds of different faiths and beliefs, and for acknowledging the fact that not everyone needs to go to church or live their life in any kind of religious manner. In fact, knowing that the Saints had this event and that they are an organization that welcomes all Americans, not just those who are religious, I am now looking at my calendar to see when I can start attending some games myself.
I hope the Saints’ attendance levels only go up from here on out. (Mark M. – South St. Paul, MN)
7/24/14: The letter “An error” (July 17) was a negative reaction to a St. Paul Saints corporate game sponsorship with Minnesota Atheists for a “Night of Unbelievable Fun!” This is a classic Saints promotion and an opportunity for them to gain market share in the competitive entertainment industry.
This was the third year of the promotion, but, really, the writer should look around more and see the diversity of people. More than 20 percent are not religious, and the vast majority are of different religions. The Saints management understands this and looks for ways to work with all who are willing to join in their version of entertainment.
The Saints are a team “known for their outlandish promotions” and where “Fun is Good.” Two days after this promotion, the Saints had a Faith and Family Day. We atheists did not complain. We understand their customers come from all walks of life. On Faith and Family Day, they gave an award to Sister Rosalind, the massaging nun who has been with the Saints for 22 seasons.
The most ironic thing that is missed in the atheists’ night is that a corporation whose name is St. Paul Saints is doing business with Minnesota Atheists, which is the merging of two completely different cultural identities brought together in an unbelievable, entertaining night of civility between the saints and the atheists — and the only fireworks were sponsored by Xcel Energy in celebration of a hometown team win. Only in America can that happen. (Steve P. – Shoreview, MN)