November Public Meeting: Finding a Job as an Atheist

Sunday, November 19 at 2 PM – 3:30 PM
Augsburg Park Library
7100 Nicollet Ave, Richfield, Minnesota 55423
Announcing the November Public Meeting of Minnesota Atheists:
Finding a job as an atheist, a panel discussion & networking
The November Public Meeting will be a discussion about finding a job as an atheist. This is a topic that everyone should have their own philosophy on, because even if you are employed, you cannot depend on being at the job you are at indefinitely. If you are retired, please come as well to share your knowledge.
Discussion topics will include:
· Non-religious resources for finding a job
· Do I go to job fairs or networking events through religious groups and churches
· Should I make an attempt to remove any online information associating me to atheism, or try to prevent it in the first place?
· Should I, in any circumstance, allude to that I’m non-religious in on my resume or in an interview?
· Thoughts on working for a religious company
· Other’s experiences where religion or atheism has come up when looking for a job
We will keep the discussion focused on experiences and advice in finding a job, and less on atheism in the workplace. That could fill up a whole other meeting.
Discussion will be led by a panel, but audience interaction is highly encouraged. We are also looking for additional people to be featured on our panel, particularly if you have worked in HR, management, or have relevant experience. If interested, please contact Heather at
We will leave time for job focused networking at this meeting as well. We can share with others our education, interests, and professions to learn more about others workplaces and make connections that might become valuable in the future.
1:00-1:15 pm – Social Time
1:15-1:45 pm – Business Meeting
1:45-2:00 pm – Break
2:00-3:30 pm – Program
4:00 pm – Dinner at a local resturant