Get Nominated

Minnesota Atheists is a democratic organization with elected representatives who serve on the board for a one-year term unless reelected. These elections are held in accordance with our bylaws.

Nominations occur at our January business meetings and elections at our February business meeting. The new board taking effect March 1st. Nominees for officers need to be paying members in good standing for at least one year prior to the date of election; Director-at-Large nominees need only be members for six months prior. We currently maintain three at-large positions.

Candidates must be nominated by a member other than themselves who is present at the January meeting, but we can facilitate that nomination as needed. If you’d like to join the board, find out more below and let us know that you’re interested!

Board Duties

Duties of each officer are described in the bylaws, and the duties of board members generally are determined by law. We provide more details below for those considering running, but the law and bylaws prevail in any conflict.

Board Chair 

The board chair is responsible for running Minnesota Atheists board meetings.

  • Sends date, time, location to board 
  • Calls for agenda items 
  • Creates agenda 
  • Calls to order 
  • Leads meeting 
  • Adjourns

The board chair also runs our public meetings.

  • Reserves room 
  • Finalizes program 
  • Communicates expectations to speaker 
  • Collects/delivers announcements & MNA business 
  • Recruits volunteer for write-up 
  • Coordinates post-meeting meal 

The board chair facilitates our elections.

  • Makes sure elections follow bylaws 
  • Adds election & candidate recruitment to board meeting agenda 
  • Provides announcements as necessary for newsletter/AWE/public meetings 

Associate Chair 

The associate chair serves as a backup for chair duties or coordinates other coverage if chair is unable to complete their duties. They are also prepared to serve out term as chair if current chair is unable to.


The president of the organization serves as the spokesperson for Minnesota Atheists.

  • Responds to press inquiries or arranges a surrogate 
  • May issue press releases 
  • May author letters to editor, either original or ghostwritten 
  • Confirms inquiries to MNA email and phone line are answered 

The president authors an op-ed column in our newsletter to keep members informed on the state of the organization and issues affecting nonbelievers.

Associate President

The associate president serves as a backup for presidential duties or coordinates other coverage if president is unable to complete their duties. They are also prepared to serve out term as president if current president is unable to.


The secretary keeps official minutes for board meetings.

  • Creates from agenda 
  • Submits for board for any corrections before approval at next meeting
  • May create a synopsis for newsletter to keep members informed

The secretary also keeps minutes for other meetings attended by a significant number of the board, such as board retreats or other planning meetings.

  • Create from agenda or topics covered 
  • Share with board 
  • Identify backup coverage if not attending meeting 


The treasurer prepares monthly budget reports for the board.

  • Formal report to board 
  • Answers board questions about details
  • Summary of major ongoing projects 
  • Summary for newsletter

The treasurer prepares and submits government filings for the organization.

  • Minnesota charitable organization annual report
  • Annual sales tax filing
  • Federal annual nonprofit report 

The treasurer manages the organization’s cash flow.

  • Coordinates with members who took cash at events to get it deposited 
  • Collects receipts for reimbursements 
  • Provides information to cosigners for payments to justify those payments

The treasurer oversees the organization’s online store.

  • Adds or coordinates registration pages for events 
  • Tracks inventory 
  • Fulfills or delegates fulfillment of orders 

All Board Members

Board Meetings 

  • Attend as many as possible 
  • Communicate to chair or secretary before the meeting if not able to attend 
  • Have your topics added to the agenda before the meeting if possible 
  • Understand how MNA activities serve our mission 
  • Raise any concerns in planning stages if possible 
    • Legality 
    • Effectiveness 
    • Return on investment 
    • Accessibility of events 
    • Alienation of audiences 
    • Etc. 
  • Encourage everyone’s viewpoint to be heard 
  • Aim for consensus decisions; settle for the occasional compromise or being outvoted 

Financial Oversight 

  • Participate in annual budgeting process 
  • Review monthly financial statements 
    • Watch cash reserves 
    • Monitor income and spending against budgets 
  • Understand the expected financial outcome of planned events 
  • Be aware of whether financial expectations are met 


  • Be familiar with bylaws 
  • Be familiar with codes of conduct for events and online spaces 
  • Engage in long-term organization planning processes 
    • Set goals 
    • Assess required steps 
    • Volunteer and/or recruit volunteers to help complete these steps 
    • Assess progress toward goals 
  • Be mindful of MNA’s mission and goals when acting as a representative 
  • Be alert to opportunities and resources for MNA and bring them to the attention of the whole board 
  • Help support fellow board members in carrying out their duties 
  • Rely on the strengths of fellow board members to make you more effective 
  • Contribute to documentation of MNA’s activities and processes as appropriate