Public Meetings
Minnesota Atheists holds public meetings through the year on the third Sunday of January, February, April, September, and November. These meetings serve three purposes.
First, they provide us an opportunity to conduct regular business meeting with the membership. Our bylaws require quarterly business meetings. However, as a practical matter, we conduct business meetings at all our meetings. MNA business includes announcements, brief presentations regarding the work of other organizations, and requests for feedback from members. Nominations to the board are made at our January meeting, and elections are held at the February meeting.
Second, these meetings allow us to fulfill our educational mission by bringing in speakers or facilitating group discussions on a variety of topics. Past speakers have included activists, politicians, professors, and authors sharing their work with us.
Finally, our monthly meetings are social events. Time is built into our schedule to chat with other attendees, and an early dinner is scheduled afterward at a nearby restaurant.
Monthly meetings are announced in our Meetup group and our newsletter.