Steal Our Governance
Minnesota Atheists views the secular movement as a collaboration, not a competition, and we’ve been at this a long time. We are working to make more of our internal resources public as we formally document our history and our processes. We’ll be adding links to forms, guides, and external advice on governance below as we go.
If you see something here that can help your group, please use it. Activism is about doing more, not doing it all again from scratch. If you have questions about any of our resources, please ask.
The same is true if you’re looking for something you don’t see here. We may have work in progress to share, or we may be able to refer you to the right people. We’ve gotten plenty of help ourselves, and we believe in passing it on.
Brand Guide:
The creation and documentation of formal branding offers a resource for leadership, organizers, and volunteers. Our brand exists, whether we choose to actively manage it or not. If we do not manage it,
people will manage our brand for us based on their first impressions. By choosing the aesthetics and style in which we communicate, we can strategically manage our brand and more effectively represent our organization.
Event Documentation:
Generating and intentionally utilizing event plans as living documents have multiple benefits, especially making it easier for other leaders to take on parts or the entirety of events.
External Resources we find useful:
The Charities Review Council’s Wizard Document Templates make it easy to discuss and implement many common-sense policies (even without going through their process)
NonprofitReady has a variety of accessible (and free) trainings for multiple topics for multiple audiences.
BoardSource has an abundance of useful guides and references, especially:
Six Essential Ingredients
What Does Board Membership Entail
9 Characteristics Mission Statement
Mission Statement vs Vision Statement